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Learning Visual Basic .NET with Samples source code

People often asked me about how to program in VB.NET. The best way to start learning is from examples. Its fun, easy, and very addicting as you being to learn the ins and outs of Visual Basic .NET.
The next generation of Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET is designed to be the easiest and most productive tool for creating .NET applications, including Windows applications, Web Services, and Web applications.
College or university students who are taking VB related courses should find this useful.

Now you can become a VB.NET Expert. To help you learn I am providing you link from which you can download source code which describe various functionality.
This download includes a master set of Visual Basic .NET code samples demonstrating various aspects of the language in the following areas:
Source Code available for -
  • Language Syntax
  • Data access
  • Windows Forms
  • Web development and Web services, XML
  • Security
  • File system and file I/O
  • COM+
and advanced topics like
  • GDI+
  • Remoting
  • Serialization
  • MSMQ
  • Windows services.